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What Is Your Sailor Splashing Into This Week?

Week of October 9-13

       This week students will be reading a series of different books relating to animals underwater. Students will work closely with sight words and identify them throughout class readings. A spelling quiz will be given Friday October, 13 covering our sight words. In addition, students will complete activities, games, and worksheets during the week to reinforce what we have learned in class. Toward the end of the week, students will be asked to bring an assigned "underwater food item" to class. We will begin preparing our "seafood" creatures that will be discussed thoroughly in class. Soon after, students will be allowed to eat their creations! Parents, please let me know if your child has any food allergies!

Language Arts/Reading


       Last week we spent several days reviewing addition and subtraction. This week students will build on those skills by learning how to apply addition and subtraction to word problems. We will first work to identify different addition and subtraction words such as: take away, add to, minus, and plus. Next, students will work together in small groups on iPads to complete a variety applications, such as Splash Math that will require critical thinking.


      This week students will learn about different ocean zones. We will explore the Sunlight, Twilight, and Midnight zones. In addition, students will learn about the different animals that live in each particular zone.  Toward the end of the week, students will create their own personal oceanic levels using water bottles, vegetable oil, and colored dye.

Social Studies

      This week students will learn about seven different continents which cover the world. The seven continents that will be covered are: North America, Europe, Asia, South America, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica. Along with developing an understanding of the seven continents, students will be using iPads and SmartBoard technology (Google Maps) to correctly label each of the continents and identify where each continent is located. Students will have a small quiz on Thursday matching the correct continents to their location on the map.

Sailor's Homework Assignments

Language Arts/ Reading

       For homework this week I ask that students take 10 minutes each night reviewing their sight words to prepare them for class reading and a spelling quiz on Friday, October 13. This week our sight words are, because, many, learn, great, and going. If parents would like any additional practice sheets to help your child review, please email me. Make sure your child brings assigned food for our underwater animal party!


      For homework this week I ask for students to complete level two, adding and subtracting with word problems, on the Math Word Problems app located on their iPads by the end of the week. On Friday, I will review their iPads for completion and address students who need extra assistance. 


      No homework is assigned for this week in science class; however, students can begin preparing for a test on unit 2 next week.

Social Studies

      For homework this week please review the seven different continents so your child will be prepared for the quiz on Thursday, October 12. In addition, I will be sending home two practice sheets and a link to an online practice assignment for students to take in preparation for the quiz.

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